I previously completed a swift post on unboxing the RKX M4 High Speed Tractor. In this post I describe the building and detailing of the kit.
As mentioned, the kit is perfectly fine for wargaming purposes as it is, however, without going really overboard I wanted to add some extra detail.
I will get myself a Long Tom in due time and I’ll have it on a scenic base that can be used in game or just as a display item, the M4 will sit nearby, providing support to my US Bolt Action Army 41st Armored Infantry.
A swift look online provides a wealth of reference notably the crane on the rear used for lifting shells and other heavy items. I often find 1.35 scale models a good source for ideas on presenting a kit.
Below are the components I aim to use, mainly spare Rubicon items, the crane is part of a Czech hedgehog tank obstacle from a 1.72 Italeri battlefield accessories kit- available through Warlord Games. The shells are also from an Italeri accessory kit this time though a 1.35 scale item that I’ve had for a number of years. Some picture hanging wire makes for great towing cable. Couple that with towing eyes that came with one of the Rubicon German stowage kits. Some personal kit, spares from the Warlord US infantry set.

The cast is very good and the only real attention needed is along the track/mudguard and the cupola. A swift sand and a scrape with a scalpel and the cast imperfections are gone.
Ok so, tracks glued to the hull. A little trimming needed front and back and some use of filler to give that ‘all one piece’ feel…..and here…we…go…

stage 1

stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

that'll about do it. Bit of filling on the crewman's right arm, and adding the chain. Not sure where I'm going to find that yet...perhaps a trip down to my local model shop is called for. Always an excuse.
next up, paint job, coming soon.
6, 5 out.